I cannot believe how fast this summer is going by! Ethan is going to start kindergarten in the fall & I am trying to cherish every last moment before he starts school... Kaia really wanted to play with Kien in the water..."Come on Kien, let's get wet!!" He. Did. Not. Like. That. :) I love how well Ethan & Kaia get along when they are together in a new place with kids they don't know. At home, it seems like they can never get along. Seeing that they really do love each other after all is refreshing! Kien was a much bigger fan of getting to hold & drink the Sonic drinks. (He does not get to do this at home because he spills them and pokes holes in the cup) Here, I did not care a bit because if he spilled, it would just wash away! He was determined to not let go of his drink! Ethan & Kaia pretended that this was their "force shield." :) I finally got Kien to enjoy the water a bit. In his defense it was a bit chilly that day (this was a couple of months ago) but I knew I wouldn't sweat to death while I took pictures and could keep a good eye on my camera.Now of course it is supposed to be triple digits all week.
These were taken quite a few months ago before he could even walk. Ethan came running to me & said, "Mommy, Kien's in the sink!!" He climbed the step stool and pulled himself in and was playing with the water...
so if I am falling behind a bit in posting pictures on time, this little guy may have something to do with it. I try to do the majority of my editing when he is sleeping... hopefully soon I will find a way to juggle everything... he is such a climber!I hope everyone understands. Now I am off to put the kiddos to bed so I can get some editing done... that is if I don't fall asleep along with them. Holiday weekends are fun, but can be exhausting too~ Hope everybody had a happy and relaxing 4th!